Monday, 20 October 2014

Attractions of Cat Mountain-the highest mountain in Guangxi

Cat Mountain belongs to Xingan county and Ziyuan county.It is farm away 81 km from Guilin city.
Cat Mountain is the highest mountain in Guangxi. It got the name Cat Mountain because its stony peak looks like a huge cat. The main peak of the mountain is about 2,141 meters above sea level and is known as the "Summit of South China".
Cat Mountain is the source of several crystal-clear  rivers, including the Li River, Zi River, and Xun River.
Azalea Park
Cat Mountain is a sea of azaleas in spring and summer.

Hemlock Park
Cat mountain has more than 2000 old hemlock. The hemlocks are between 500 and 1000 years old.

Alpine wetland
This tablets Alpine wetland elevation 1950 meters around, around by 8 a elevation 1900 meters-1950 meters of peaks by surrounded, formed a area about 240 square kilometers of mountain between low-lying basin, climate moist, cryogenic, relative humidity often in 95% around, annual rainfall up 2100 mm, annual temperatures 7 degrees Celsius-Celsius 8 degrees, surface water more, swamp in the deep of peat soil storage has millions of party water, became a larger of unlimited of natural reservoir, is Lijiang River, and zijiang and xunjiang River of birthplace.

Laoshan sector
Laoshan sector of Cat mountain is the long March of the Red Army crossing the first mountain.

Ten Mile Canyon

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